Saunas /body cocoons floats 

Infra Sauna Cabin

Our Infra Sauna Cabin uses infrared heat to penetrate deeper into the body than traditional saunas, providing a variety of health benefits. Infrared saunas heat the body directly, rather than just the air around you, making them more effective at promoting detoxification, relieving muscle soreness, and improving circulation.


  • Detoxification: Infrared heat helps to eliminate toxins stored in fat cells, including heavy metals and environmental pollutants.
  • Pain Relief: The deep heat penetrates muscles and joints, providing relief from chronic pain, arthritis, and stiffness.
  • Improved Circulation: Regular use enhances blood flow, which supports muscle recovery and cardiovascular health.
  • Skin Health: The increased blood flow and sweating can improve skin texture, reduce signs of aging, and support collagen production.
  • Weight Loss: Sessions can burn calories as the body works to cool itself down, potentially aiding in weight management.

Pre-Treatment Care:

Drink plenty of water before your session to stay hydrated. Avoid heavy meals beforehand, and wear loose, comfortable clothing.

Post-Treatment Care:

After your session, continue hydrating to help flush out toxins and rehydrate the body. Take a cool shower to close your pores and soothe the skin.

Ice Bath

Our Ice Bath Therapy helps reduce inflammation, soothe sore muscles, and accelerate recovery after physical exertion. The cold immersion constricts blood vessels and flushes waste products like lactic acid from tissues. Once you step out, your blood vessels dilate, increasing circulation and promoting healing.


  • Reduces Inflammation: Cold therapy decreases swelling and inflammation in muscles and joints, making it great for recovery after workouts.
  • Eases Muscle Soreness: The cold temperature helps soothe sore muscles and reduces delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
  • Speeds Recovery: Alternating cold and warm therapies (contrast therapy) boosts circulation, supporting faster muscle recovery.
  • Boosts Mental Clarity: Cold immersion sharpens mental clarity and helps to increase endorphins, improving mood.
  • Strengthens Immune System: Regular use of ice baths can improve your body’s resistance to illness by stimulating the immune system.

Pre-Treatment Care:

Avoid eating immediately before your ice bath. Make sure you’re properly hydrated. Wear swimwear or suitable clothing for immersion in cold water.

Post-Treatment Care:

After the ice bath, warm up gradually. A hot shower or sauna session can help, but avoid jumping into extreme heat right away. Stay hydrated and rest to allow your body to recover fully.

Flotation Pods

Our Floatation Pods provide a near-zero gravity experience by allowing your body to float effortlessly in water saturated with Epsom salts. This sensory deprivation therapy allows for complete relaxation, helping to relieve stress, reduce chronic pain, and improve mental clarity.


  • Stress Reduction: The sensory deprivation in the float pod reduces cortisol levels, lowering stress and anxiety.
  • Pain Relief: Floating helps relieve pressure on joints and muscles, making it effective for those with chronic pain, arthritis, or injury recovery.
  • Improved Sleep: The deep relaxation achieved during floatation sessions can lead to better sleep quality and reduce insomnia.
  • Enhanced Mental Clarity: Many users experience improved focus and mental clarity after sessions due to the meditative state induced by the sensory deprivation.
  • Magnesium Absorption: Epsom salts are rich in magnesium, which is absorbed through the skin during floating, helping to relax muscles and improve overall wellness.

Pre-Treatment Care:

Avoid caffeine and heavy meals before your float session. Arrive with enough time to shower before entering the pod to remove oils and impurities from your skin.

Post-Treatment Care:

After your session, rinse off in the shower to remove any remaining salt. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and continue the relaxation by taking time to rest and reflect.

Vichy Hydro Body Cocoon

The Vichy Hydro Body Cocoon combines the power of water, steam, infrared heat, vibration, and massage to deliver a full-body rejuvenation experience. As you lie in a cocoon-like environment, warm water jets gently massage your body while infrared heat and steam detoxify and hydrate your skin.


  • Detoxification: Steam and infrared heat work together to open pores, allowing impurities to be released from the body.
  • Hydration: The Vichy shower helps to hydrate and soften the skin, improving its texture and appearance.
  • Relaxation and Stress Relief: The gentle water massage, combined with the warmth of the infrared sauna, soothes muscles and reduces stress.
  • Improved Circulation: The vibration feature promotes blood flow, aiding in muscle recovery and skin health.
  • Skin Exfoliation: The water jets help remove dead skin cells, leaving the skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Pre-Treatment Care:

Hydrate well before your treatment. Avoid applying any lotions or oils to your skin before the session to allow for better absorption of the water and steam benefits.

Post-Treatment Care:

After the treatment, continue to drink water to replenish lost fluids. Your skin will be more receptive to hydration products, so it’s a great time to apply a nourishing moisturizer. Rest to allow the body to fully absorb the treatment’s benefits.
These treatments are designed to offer a holistic approach to health and wellness, combining physical relief with mental rejuvenation. Our skilled therapists can recommend the best combination of treatments to meet your unique needs, helping you achieve long-lasting wellness.